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Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Hello Parents and Scholars,

Welcome to 3rd Grade! My name is Ms. Carnero, and I am pleased to be your child's teacher this school year where we will be learning many new and exciting things! I would like to welcome you to our class blog! Here I will be posting anything from resources, reminders, mini-lessons, as well as school and classroom updates, so please check this blog often.

My classroom theme this year is Superheroes! I find that Superheroes display many wonderful traits and qualities that our students should also project. They are loyal, clever, brave, kind-hearted, trustworthy, determined, and strong. What other positive traits can you and your child think of?

I am really looking forward to having a successful and productive school year!


Reading at Home

Reading 20 minutes daily at home is an essential part of homework. Academic success can be largely attributed to reading.

Below is an example of a student who might read at home and a student who might not. These names are fictional and do not depict any student(s) in particular. Click on the image to enlarge.

How can you help your child at home? Below are some tips and suggestions for assisting your child and making sure they are comprehending what they are reading. Click on the images to enlarge.

Here are some questions you can ask your child as they read or after they read to help with comprehension in both fiction and nonfiction texts.



Here are some strategies to help your child if you notice they are having trouble sounding out words and decoding.

In the words of Dr. Seuss, "The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more places you will go!"


AVID Elementary

So what exactly is AVID?

AVID stands for:
Advancement (Moving Up)
Via (Through)
Individual (Your Own)
Determination (Hard Work)

As stated in their website, www.avid.org, AVID Elementary is a foundational component of the AVID College Readiness System and supports AVID’s mission to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. AVID Elementary Essentials focus on the four necessary areas to ensure that all students are poised for academic success: Instruction, Culture, Leadership, and Systems.

Click on the link below to be redirected to a short video that explains what AVID Elementary is.


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