

One of the best ways to become a better reader, writer, and speller is to spend some time reading every day. Please help your child keep track of their weekly reading fluency practice at home. You can also ask questions to better determine if your child is understanding what they are reading. For examples of questions you can ask your child during and after reading click HERE.
By the end of third grade, it is expected for students to read 150-190 words per minute with understanding of the text. Time your child for 1 minute to check how many words per minute they are able to read. Below are some examples of how to check your child's fluency.

Record how many words correct and incorrect your child read for each day. We should hopefully see an improvement from Monday's Reading to Thursday's reading.

Students are to read the entire story after checking for fluency in order to answer the comprehension questions. Do not time students during this time. They can read it more than once if they need to. Students are to use text evidence in order to prove their answer to the question. Below is an example of how to prove their answer.
Melissa Mazur Resources

HERO folder stands for Homework Everyday Ready & Organized

 Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday, and students' HERO (homework) folder will be due every Friday. This is to assist with flexibility, but it is not recommended that students complete all of their homework packet the night before it is due. They should work on homework throughout the week and space out their assignments.
Until further notice, homework will consist of a Math handout, Spelling Activity, Fluency/Comprehension, and Reading Log. Additional homework may be added or modified as the year progresses.
Students will receive a Homework Log with the list of all assignments and other important information. Below is a sample of a Homework Log. Click on the images to enlarge.

Below is a sample of our Math Homework handout.

Below is a sample of our Reading Log.

Below is an explanation with examples of our Spelling homework.

Please keep in mind that homework serves as extra practice and reinforcement. Please ensure that your child is completing all homework assignments and assist as needed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for all your support and cooperation!

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